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excited, but have some questions...
I want to build a dashboard that shows Temperature\Humidity\Co2 for 5-8 different areas.  I've been looking off and on for quite awhile for something that might work and got excited just now finding your device!

When do you expect to have a battery powered model?
Would disabling the wifi and using RF use less power or more?
What power adapter do you recommend?  Any specific ones that are high quality?
Would this device work in a hot attic that fluctuates from 32F-140F (0C-60C)?
Would this device work outside under a roof overhang where it was shielded from the elements but exposed to 70-95% humidity?

I'm new to all this, but looking at using Home Assistant on rPi 2 or 3.  Is that good or bad idea?  Any thoughts?

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excited, but have some questions... - by jasonistre - 03-09-2017, 07:51 AM

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