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Future version
In fact i had bought some CO sensors for evaluation, but it turned out it is too difficult to drive them. And also CO is quite a poisonous gas, and i wouldn't feel too confident producing a device that measures it and somebody would rely on it.
With No2 and SO2, the problem is that there are sensors for this, but they need to be calibrated against some known concentrations, and this is done more or less per sensor (same holds true also for CO sensor), and there is no affordable way for me to do this. I could rather integrate them and let you do some calibration in clean air, but the spec sheets claim it is best to have at least 2 points with known calibration to know the exact curve. Else it would measure something, but perhaps with some deviations

for Ozone i haven't yet looked into detail

And for PM1, i am trying to get in contact with some vendors that produce such sensors, in fact even lower - PM 0.1 if i am not mistaken. But still i do not have to much information about it.

Messages In This Thread
Future version - by David Jonsson - 03-16-2017, 11:13 AM
RE: Future version - by admin - 03-16-2017, 11:57 AM
RE: Future version - by David Jonsson - 03-17-2017, 09:18 AM
RE: Future version - by admin - 03-18-2017, 04:44 AM

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