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co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices
(02-24-2017, 02:57 PM)admin Wrote: about the RF - i meant to disable it via software (apparently - via the USB cable in your case)
it appears as if the device is restarting itself too often
can you try to connect via usb, and check the logs - if they will show something.

Also if you want to try to revert to the previous firmware, i have described it here:

ok, connected via usb, i made a factory reset, applied firmware from 20170103 , made sure 433mhz is not enabled,  enabled debug mode and only filled out the variables in the pimatic tab.

pimatic now receives its data. logging is taking place. will let you know when something bad happens.

update 22:00

logging as well as transmitting has ended. led on device is permanently green.

i am attaching full log.
.txt   log.txt (Size: 155.77 KB / Downloads: 1)

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RE: co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices - by strichter76 - 02-24-2017, 07:19 PM

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