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CDM7160 - Recovery procedure
Hi together,

since yesterday morning one of my sensors does not respond any more. It does not send any data and even worth it's not recognized by the configuration tool any more. LED keeps off. The only thing what is monitored is as plugging into my laptop it recognizes the com port.

Before of that it ran with the firmware from 3rd of January 2017 and had the violet LED constant on. I performed some power cycles as before this recovered the situation and brought back normal operation usually but not this time.

I've tried also three different types of power supply (MPB, D-Link DUB-H4, a chinese brand USB supply) in combination with a normal and a pimped USB-cable (limiting the voltage).

What can I do, trying to recover the sensor? Is there any kind of procedure to low level rewrite the eprom potentially disconnecting parts of the sensor for troubleshooting?

Thanks in advance,

Messages In This Thread
CDM7160 - Recovery procedure - by joshi04 - 01-10-2017, 04:43 AM
RE: CDM7160 - Recovery procedure - by admin - 01-10-2017, 07:47 AM
RE: CDM7160 - Recovery procedure - by joshi04 - 01-11-2017, 05:11 AM
RE: CDM7160 - Recovery procedure - by admin - 01-11-2017, 08:07 AM
RE: CDM7160 - Recovery procedure - by joshi04 - 01-12-2017, 05:33 AM

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