02-27-2017, 04:28 AM
well this is all stil la bit experimental
for the sweep
just watch how the led changes and then what numbers are displayed, this was the idea
though with the communication over websockets it is not working as there are some caches
in general it switches between
green, yellow, red, lila
and range is 400-3500
so roughly
400 is green
1500 yellow
2500 is red
3500 is lila
ther is no documentation yet
but what you can do for the led:
ledcolor seq([brg]color)+
where brg is 50-99 - how strong should be the light - 99 is dimmest
1 is auto
if it is missing - the previously set one is used
color is a letter like this
case 'r': return Cred;
case 'v': return Cviolet;
case 'b': return Cmblue;
case 'u': return Cgreen2;
case 'g': return Cgreen;
case 'y': return Cyellow;
case 'w': return Cwhite;
case 'l': return Clila;
case 'c': return Ccyan;
case 'm': return Cmblue;
default: return Cblack;
so for example
ledcolor seq1m
will make autobrightness blue color
ledcolor seq1rbrbrn
will flash red blue few times, each letter is 333 ms
at the end it will kill the light
if you put
ledcolor seqbd
will flash blue for 333 ms and then revert to the olD color
and once you start the webserver (from vESPrino tab)
you can send the command to it simply by calling
<host>/?cmd=ledcolor seqr
for example
also you can send commands over mqtt
for the sweep
just watch how the led changes and then what numbers are displayed, this was the idea
though with the communication over websockets it is not working as there are some caches
in general it switches between
green, yellow, red, lila
and range is 400-3500
so roughly
400 is green
1500 yellow
2500 is red
3500 is lila
ther is no documentation yet

but what you can do for the led:
ledcolor seq([brg]color)+
where brg is 50-99 - how strong should be the light - 99 is dimmest
1 is auto
if it is missing - the previously set one is used
color is a letter like this
case 'r': return Cred;
case 'v': return Cviolet;
case 'b': return Cmblue;
case 'u': return Cgreen2;
case 'g': return Cgreen;
case 'y': return Cyellow;
case 'w': return Cwhite;
case 'l': return Clila;
case 'c': return Ccyan;
case 'm': return Cmblue;
default: return Cblack;
so for example
ledcolor seq1m
will make autobrightness blue color
ledcolor seq1rbrbrn
will flash red blue few times, each letter is 333 ms
at the end it will kill the light
if you put
ledcolor seqbd
will flash blue for 333 ms and then revert to the olD color
and once you start the webserver (from vESPrino tab)
you can send the command to it simply by calling
<host>/?cmd=ledcolor seqr
for example
also you can send commands over mqtt