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vThing CO2 Monitor Thingspeak update frequency setup
Hi Vladimir,
I'm just testing vThing - CO2 Monitor v1.15 (WIFI+NDIR). 
The sensor is on wifi, Thingspeak also working fine, but I would like to know if there is an option for adjusting data sending frequency.
Now it looks like sensor is sending update to Thingspeak on every CO2 level change (every 15 sec.)
There is no such option in Chrome config utility.
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,

vThing - CO2 Monitor v1.15 (CM1106 NDIR+WIFI)
vAir Monitor (CDM7160 CO2 Sensor, BME280 - Temp/Hum/Press Sensor, RF433)
you can use
wst 10
for 10 ppm threshold
still haven't add it to config tool I think
(10-01-2016, 08:00 PM)admin Wrote: you can use
wst 10
for 10 ppm threshold
still haven't add it to config tool I think

Thank you Vladimir, this command changed interval to cca 1min which is OK for me.

vThing - CO2 Monitor v1.15 (CM1106 NDIR+WIFI)
vAir Monitor (CDM7160 CO2 Sensor, BME280 - Temp/Hum/Press Sensor, RF433)
and with wsi you can set interval in seconds
wsi 120
for 120 sec
though I think this should be the default
(10-01-2016, 08:00 PM)admin Wrote: you can use
wst 10
for 10 ppm threshold
still haven't add it to config tool I think


I recently bought the Air Quality Monitor v3 and the vThings - Wi-Fi Thermometer. Working fine.

Is it possible to setup a treshold ? At the moment it seems that the sensors report every 2 Minutes if there are changes or not.

 vThings - Wi-Fi Thermometer --> only if Humidity change 1% or temperatur change 0,1 C to send a report.
Air Quality Monitor v3 --> only if CO2 change 10 ppm or Humidity change 1% or temperatur change 0,1 C to send a report.

thanks a lot ,
Hi, indeed, while the sensor used the firmware that only supported CO2 monitoring, this was working. But then i changed everything and still haven't added this.
It is on my task list, but it takes some time until i can tackle those issues
(03-27-2017, 10:56 AM)admin Wrote: Hi, indeed, while the sensor used the firmware that only supported CO2 monitoring, this was working. But then i changed everything and still haven't added this.
It is on my task list, but it takes some time until i can tackle those issues


Would be great.


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