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Most popular forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) (652 posts, 72 threads)

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Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value (55 replies)
co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices (41 replies)
RF Connectivity (34 replies)
Device stops sending data after a while (25 replies)
[SOLVED] Option to activate/deactivate the PM2005 particle sensor (25 replies)
Randomly stop broadcasting (vESPrino v1.16 build20170228) (25 replies)
New Functionalities in Build 2017.02.19 (21 replies)
[SOLVED] No values are send to any of my services. (20 replies)
[SOLVED] LED Function (17 replies)
[SOLVED] Fried my monitor? (16 replies)
MQTT connection to HomeAssistant not working (14 replies)
[SOLVED] CM1102Sensor not detected since Dec Firmware update (13 replies)
Incorrect temperature readings (12 replies)
[SOLVED] CDM7160 - PPM Value Oscillation (12 replies)
wifi password truncated : not connected (11 replies)
Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value (111,415 views)
RF Connectivity (96,468 views)
co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices (90,697 views)
Randomly stop broadcasting (vESPrino v1.16 build20170228) (56,526 views)
Device stops sending data after a while (50,690 views)
[SOLVED] Option to activate/deactivate the PM2005 particle sensor (49,761 views)
New Functionalities in Build 2017.02.19 (48,595 views)
[SOLVED] LED Function (41,713 views)
[SOLVED] No values are send to any of my services. (39,705 views)
[SOLVED] Fried my monitor? (38,846 views)
MQTT connection to HomeAssistant not working (37,725 views)
VOC Sensor Update (TGS8100) (32,136 views)
[SOLVED] CDM7160 - PPM Value Oscillation (29,673 views)
Incorrect temperature readings (29,651 views)
[SOLVED] CM1102Sensor not detected since Dec Firmware update (28,354 views)