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Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value
(10-04-2016, 07:38 PM)Ed Davies Wrote: Off a 5000 mAh USB “power bank” bought in Lidl yesterday: doesn't work at all, I assume because the power bank shuts down if you draw less than 80 mA.

aah.. this was quite annoying indeed i also noticed it with a power bank. I the next version of the FW i changed in a way that the device wakes up each 30 seconds for a couple of seconds, this way the power bank does not die.

just that the issue with powerbanks is that some of them put out a bit more than 5.25 v and the sensor does not like it. one option is to patch the power supply to the sensor it with some Schottky Diode so that also those power supplies are accepted. I will check if this works indeed

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RE: Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value - by admin - 10-16-2016, 12:43 PM

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