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Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value
@Joshio, no I haven't done anything to limit the supply voltage; e.g., haven't yet added the diode that Vladimir sent. I wanted to characterize the new firmware on the different supplies I use first before making further changes.

I left the testing on the Staples hub not plugged into my laptop as noted above for most of today. It was fine.

Early evening I put it on a Lidl power bank. That was also fine for a couple of hours (which surprised me) although some of the readings were a bit more than 2.5 minutes apart - I assume it was doing some retrying. About 19:30 I took the combination upstairs without deliberately replugging anything at which point it immediately started behaving erratically. E.g., the next pressure reading was 10 hPa higher when, going upstairs, I'd expect a slightly lower pressure. Further ones were all over the place (e.g. pressure 1731.86 but I didn't feel my ears popping).

After about 45 minutes when it obviously wasn't going to settle down I put it, still upstairs, on the Staples hub. It gave one sensible set of readings. After that it only gave temperatures. After a while I went and power cycled it (unplugged from hub, count to 10, plug it back in).

I've just opened the box up to see if there's a loose wire or anything. There isn't anything obvious.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value - by Ed Davies - 01-04-2017, 09:45 PM

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