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Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value
Hmmm, thanks for the log!.. seems like the i2c communication breaks after some time.
I added now a feature, that if it was working and fails at some point of time- that the device automatically restarts, trying to recover. in addition i discovered that somewhere in the last weeks i have commented out part of the functionality that makes i2c more robust.. maybe this is the reason why with the latest updates it started to fail so much

also the logging now logs right after the device boots.

so you can try to update again to the latest firmware

if you like you can try to connect to the device with the Config Tool w/o unplugging it, it will restart it, and perhaps then again it will work.

I will also run a device with all those sensors here, to monitor it, as up to now i was only running a one with the CM1102 sensor

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RE: Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value - by admin - 12-30-2016, 02:42 PM

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