Well, good in a way - it failed at or soon after 06:12:59 this morning.
Here's the last bit of logging my code got for this device out of MQTT (mosquitto). “ow” stuff is some one-wire temperature sensors and “cc” is a CurrentCost mains electricity meter. MQTT logged times may be a second or so late relative to the debug output; my logging code accumulates everything that happens in a particular second to make up a JSON line in the logfile.
Attached is the debug output from just under half an hour before that (tail -n +20000 debug > debug.txt).
PS, device is plugged into a hub attached to me laptop so I could talk to it with the config utility. I'll leave it like that for the time being.
Here's the last bit of logging my code got for this device out of MQTT (mosquitto). “ow” stuff is some one-wire temperature sensors and “cc” is a CurrentCost mains electricity meter. MQTT logged times may be a second or so late relative to the debug output; my logging code accumulates everything that happens in a particular second to make up a JSON line in the logfile.
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:01:09Z", "sophie": {"altitude": 28.49, "co2": 756, "pressure": 1009.83}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:03:30Z", "ow": {"28.B21AC8010000": 19.75, "28.D517C8010000": 19.875, "28.E3F2C7010000": 20.1875}, "sophie": {"temperature": 18.87}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:03:31Z", "sophie": {"altitude": 28.63, "co2": 752, "humidity": 43.04, "pressure": 1009.82}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:05:52Z", "cc": {"power": 57, "temperature": 14.2}, "sophie": {"temperature": 18.86}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:05:53Z", "sophie": {"altitude": 29.31, "co2": 752, "humidity": 43.04, "pressure": 1009.73}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:08:14Z", "sophie": {"temperature": 18.85}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:08:15Z", "sophie": {"altitude": 29.81, "co2": 750, "humidity": 43.08, "pressure": 1009.68}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:10:36Z", "sophie": {"temperature": 18.84}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:10:37Z", "cc": {"power": 86, "temperature": 14.2}, "sophie": {"altitude": 29.19, "co2": 746, "humidity": 43.04, "pressure": 1009.75}}
{"_": "2016-12-30T06:12:59Z", "sophie": {"altitude": 29.01, "co2": 741, "humidity": 43.04, "pressure": 1009.77, "temperature": 18.82}}
Attached is the debug output from just under half an hour before that (tail -n +20000 debug > debug.txt).
PS, device is plugged into a hub attached to me laptop so I could talk to it with the config utility. I'll leave it like that for the time being.