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co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices
ok, i opened both compartments. and examined all connections and tried to fix them. some of the connections seemed to be a little loose.

then i re-assembled everything.

the device transmitted c02 and dust data for about 4 hours. then no more data were received. no sound from fan, the led = no color. but: no jamming of 433mhz devices!

i pressed the button on the device and the led went blue. but still no sound. a couple of minutes later, no more led. and no information transmitted at all...

so i disconnected the device from power and reconnected it.

the device rebooted and made some noise from the fan, led went purple..
and now the device is transmitting (http to ip) again for 10 minutes..

i am not able to connect to the device via

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RE: co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices - by strichter76 - 02-21-2017, 11:13 PM

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