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co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices
i bought the vthings - co2 monitor v3 with cdm7160, temp/hum, dust sensor and rf433mhz few weeks ago.

the device stops sending information by http to pimatic device. i tried it several times. sometimes the vair-monitor stops sending after 5 minutes. the next time, it runs about some hours or a day or so and then suddenly stops.
when the device stops sending information it is not possible to connect to the device by using anymore.
when looking up debugging output last line just shows [DISCONNECTED].
another interesting point is: when the monitor stops sending information the rf-433 environment in my appartment is jammed. i have a couple of 433mhz power-switches which seem to be jammed by the rf-433 antenna in the monitor.
when i disconnect the monitor from power, my 433mhz power-switches return to normal operation immediately.

i found a thread which seems to be a similar problem:

i opened the small compartment with the rf-component inside. all seems to be nice. no loose / unmounted pins.

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co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices - by strichter76 - 02-20-2017, 11:03 AM

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