I have mosquitto mqtt broker running on a Pi, communicating with other devices quite happily. I cannot get the vair to publish to it.
Using the chrome app.
Host IP is set as is the port. It accepts anonymous input so the user and pass are blank.
However, what exactly needs to go in the Client ID box, The topic box, and the larger box below? A screenshot example would be good as https://github.com/vlast3k/vESPrino/wiki/Examples does not really help!
So the solution is to leave the topic box blank and use a single string in the 'messages' box such as
Note if you use;
rx/21:{"CO2":%CO2%} you get a value at the other end rather than a string.
Using the chrome app.
Host IP is set as is the port. It accepts anonymous input so the user and pass are blank.
However, what exactly needs to go in the Client ID box, The topic box, and the larger box below? A screenshot example would be good as https://github.com/vlast3k/vESPrino/wiki/Examples does not really help!
So the solution is to leave the topic box blank and use a single string in the 'messages' box such as
Note if you use;
rx/21:{"CO2":%CO2%} you get a value at the other end rather than a string.