02-25-2017, 06:07 AM
(02-24-2017, 08:03 PM)vbs Wrote: Ok, thank you! But I cannot change anything in vESPrino setings.
I enter "0" at "Go to sleep time(sec):" and hit "Save" but nothing happens, no output. Then when I reload the page everything is empty again. Also the buttons "List properties" and "Wifi scan" have no visible effect.
Minor issue: The help says "When will the device switch to sleep mode. Default(300 sec). O disables it.". The 0 is actually an "O" (not the number zero).
i will fix this

try to connect via the serial port, to change those, or connect via the web page, right after you restarted the device, as it will stop the Web Socket Server used to configure over wifi after 5 minutes (i will make this cnfigurable next week)