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  power/comms plug?
Posted by: djh - 12-04-2016, 05:15 PM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (11)

Probably a very dumb question, but what is the power/comms plug?

I thought it was a USB but I don't see any confirmation of that now. The receptacle doesn't match any of my USB plugs and it doesn't appear like it would accept any plug with a metal shield, like all the USB plugs I am aware of.

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  Serial Comms
Posted by: Wookey - 11-22-2016, 02:56 AM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (3)

I am old-fashioned so like to have simple serial comms that I understand rather than this newfangled HTTP/MQTT over wifi and chrome app fanciness. At least to start with.

This does not seem to be documented anywhere, but I've discovered that (once you got the thing initialised with the chrome app (which just seems to be doing serial comms, so presumably we could arrange for this not to be necessary?)) the device sends out data at the configured period at 256400 baud down the serial conneciton. Excellent.

2$n�+�h���y$��Heap Heap at start: 35520
Found i2c bus on SDA:SCL = D5Big Grin1 (14:5)

vESPrino v1.16 build20161024
IP address:
Chip ID: 23FE8C
ready >
Waiting for auto-connect
Device will go to Deep Sleep mode, once data is sent. Press [Enter] to abort

Setup plugin: Neopixel
Setup plugin: DweetIO
Setup plugin: WebServer
Setup plugin: TimerManager

--- Setup SENSORS ---
                     Setup sensor: TEST
Setup sensor: SI7021
Found SI7021 - Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Setup sensor: BME280
Setup sensor: BMP085
Setup sensor: PM2005
Setup sensor: CDM7160
Found CDM7160 CO2 Sensor

--- Setup DESTINATIONS ---
                          Setup Destination: CustomHTTP
Setup Destination: SerialDump
Setup Destination: MQTT
Setup Destination: RFX10
Heap At setup end: 33312

--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 1
Found SI7021 - Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Raw CO2: 1638
CustomHTTPDest::invoke =
Error Code: -1 = connection refused
TEMP    : 20.47
HUM     : 68.34
CO2     : 1649
CO2R    : 1638
Going into power-safe mode for 30 seconds

And if I hit return I get a prompt
ready >
at which I can type help:
help - This help page
## - ##cmd1##cmd2##..##cmdN##
prop_list - prop_list
prop_set - prop_set "key" "value"
prop_jset - prop_jset "key"=value
info -
factory - Return to defaults
debug - Turn on debug
scani2c - Scan I2C Bus
dumpi2c - Scan I2C Bus
dumpCfg - Dump EEPROM Contents
heap - Free heap
restart -
sss -
sertest -
oled -
otahtest - HCP Cfg 1
otah - HCP Cfg 2
otau - HCP Cfg 2
fupd - HCP Cfg 2
scan -
wifi -
static_wifi -
ping -
sndiot -
sleeptype -
delay -
ipconfig -
nop - nop - no command, send to prevent going into power-safe operation during UI interaction
deepsleep - nop - no command, send to prevent going into power-safe operation during UI interaction
ledcolor - ledcolor
ledbrg - ledbrg
ledmode - ledmode
dweet_start - dweet_start interval_Sec
webserver_start - webserver_start
testSensor - testSensor toggle testSesnor
siInit -
bmeInit -
bmpInit -
pm2005quiet - pm2005quiet 22:00,03:00,180 (zulu start, zulu end, tz offset in minutes)
pm2005int - pm2005int 20,3600 (measure time in seconds - active, quiet (<30sec = dynamic mode)
cdmloop - cdmtest b - b for DEBUG - test CDM7160 sensor
cdmtest - cdmtest b - b for DEBUG - test CDM7160 sensor
cdmreg - cdmreg "regid" "value"
cdmperf - cdmreg "regid" "value"
custom_url_add - custom_url_add "idx","url"
custom_url_jadd - custom_url_add "idx","url"
custom_url_clean - custom_url_clean - clean all custom urls
serial_dump_toggle - serial_dump_toggle toggle serial dump output
mqtt_setup - mqtt_setup "idx"value
mqtt_msg_add - mqtt_msg_add "idx"value
mqtt_msg_clean - mqtt_msg_clean - clean all mqtt messages
rf_setaddr - rf_setaddr "CO2" "136"
rf_test - rf_setaddr "CO2" "136"
cfgiot1 - HCP Cfg 1
cfgiot2 - HCP Cfg 2
A - AT FW Mock A:
G - AT FW Mock G:
cfggen -
cfg_mqtt -
cfg_mqval -
atest_mqtt -
wsi -
sendNow - Process destinatios and send

Some of that is fairly obvious. Some less so. Is there a protocol doc I've missed somewhere or would it be helpful if I started one? Is there a wiki or only this forum and the git repos?

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  Incorrect temperature readings
Posted by: luuk1201 - 11-20-2016, 08:57 PM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (12)

First off, I’d like to mention the very fast delivery: ordered on Sunday, arrived on Wednesday (the Netherlands)! I’ve ordered two sensors for my first steps into domotica:
- CO2 monitor (CM1102, temperature+humidity+pressure (= BME280); no RF
- WiFi thermometer (temperature+humidity+pressure (= BME280)
The CO2 and humidity values are all looking good, however I’m having issues with the temperature measurements: both devices output too high values: in a 19C room, the CO2 monitor reads 22C and the WiFi thermometer 24C.
I wondered whether heat from other components would be the cause of this, so I’ve taken an infrared thermometer and checked the outside of the casing.
- CO2 monitor: 32C above the CO2 sensor, 21C above the temperature sensor
- WiFi thermometer: 24C above the WiFi chip, 22C above the temperature sensor
No significant difference in results between using the chrome configuration tool, or using Domoticz to read out the sensors. No difference between power sources (pc port, Sony charger, Anker charger). Taking the WiFi thermometer out of its casing seemed to slightly lower readings, but it's still too high. There's also very little variance in readings (~0.5C) despite room temperature going up and down.
Is there something wrong with my unit, or is it reading the temperature from the other components? I was planning on ordering more WiFi thermometers for each room, but being a few degrees to high with little variation makes them pretty useless.

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Rainbow Black Friday and Christmas Sales
Posted by: admin - 11-18-2016, 04:09 AM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (1)

Hi Guys,

I decided to join the global movement for sales and create some promotions around Black Friday and Christmas. It usually take a week to deliver the devices and i need a couple of days to find time to assemble the orders (production is pretty lean :Smile ) so i decided to start earlier.
I've posted the details here http://vair-monitor.com/2016/11/18/sales-season-starting/

You can buy additional devices for yourself, for presents or simply share it Smile
I would also be very glad if you can popularize it by sharing among other people and communities that you thing might be interested.  
There is also a facebook post, for those of you who use it - that you can share

Thanks, Vladimir

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  Vesprino install
Posted by: trixwood - 11-18-2016, 01:00 AM - Forum: vESPrino - Replies (3)


I uploaded the firmware


Got the google chrome app working...

Now I am stuck, how do a add a cookie?

Like a pluged in a pir and a lcd... what do I do?

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  vESPrino Firmware
Posted by: admin - 11-12-2016, 05:20 AM - Forum: vESPrino - No Replies

The vESPrino firmware can run on any ESP8266-based board. It works better if there is an RGB led connected to GPIO2, button to GPIO 0, and expects that the I2C Bus will use some specific GPIOs, but all of this can be configured or overridden.
I will be slowly adding more information about it

It is located here:

The README file contains some additional information how to build or upload it

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  Calibrating CO2?
Posted by: Henk - 11-11-2016, 01:55 PM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (4)

Everything is working fine, but one question. Is there need for calibrating the CO2 sensor? If so how should you do that?

I see that CO2 is going up and up and does not come back to the initial values.

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  Device sends everything except co2 value
Posted by: johan - 11-06-2016, 07:20 PM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (2)

When first connected my CM1102 showed all sensor values when connecting using the config utility. Judging by the symptoms, especially after reading the post Device sends %CO2% instead of the actual value it looks like a usb-power issue. However, regardless of which USB adapter (or laptop port) I use, I now get only temperature, humidity and pressure. CO2 is not even mentioned anymore. Am I missing something or messed something up? The only thing I can think of is I switched it to debug mode (send 'debug' command) and I've told it to update (send 'otah' command). If I recall correctly, the device was already on 20161024, it is now still. In the log I noticed that in the 'setup sensors' the cmd1102 is not mentioned, is that on purpose? The log:

Searching for v.Air Trying : COM5

.  . [0$nÍ+ð]
[Heap Heap at start: 35520]
. [Found i2c bus on SDA:SCL = D1:D5]

vESPrino v1.16 build20]

vESPrino found on : COM5
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]
Executing: info

vESPrino v1.16 build20161024]
[IP address:
Chip ID: 23FE38]
[Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]
Executing: prop_list
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]

--- Setup PLUGINS ---
Setup plugin: Neopixel
Setup plugin: DweetIO
Setup plugin: WebServer
Setup plugin: TimerManager

--- Setup SENSORS ---
Setup sensor: TEST
Setup sensor: SI7021
Setup sensor: BME280
Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor
Setup sensor: BMP085]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Setup sensor: PM2005
Setup sensor: CDM7160

--- Setup DESTINATIONS ---
Setup Destination: CustomHTTP
Setup Destination: SerialDump
Setup Destination: MQTT
Setup Destination: RFX10
Heap At setup end: 33184
schedule commands from prop: event.setupEnd
Executing: fupd
schedule commands from prop: event.wifiSearching
Waiting for WiFi .]
[IP address: in 15760 ms
schedule commands from prop: event.wifiConnected]
[[HTTP] GET... code:200
[HTTP] GET... code:404
fg: 20160925, fc: 0, bn:20161024
ready >
--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 1]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
CustomHTTPDest::invoke =
Response Code: 200
Payload: [OK]
TEMP        : 19.83
HUM        : 60.35
PRES        : 998.49
ALT        : 123.64
Heap : 32712]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 0]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Heap : 32736]
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]
[--- DestHanlder: senY…±Õ•--- 0]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Heap : 32736]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 0]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Heap : 32736]
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 1]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
CustomHTTPDest::invoke =
Response Code: 200
Payload: [OK]
TEMP        : 20.31
HUM        : 58.54
PRES        : 998.47
ALT        : 123.75
Heap : 32712]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 0]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Heap : 32736]
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 0]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Heap : 32736]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 0]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Heap : 32736]
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 1]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
CustomHTTPDest::invoke =
Response Code: 200
Payload: [OK]
TEMP        : 20.57
HUM        : 57.45
PRES        : 998.46
ALT        : 123.88
Heap : 32712]
[--- DestHanlder: sendValue --- 0]
[Found BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor]
[BMP085 - init failed!
Heap : 32736]
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
Executing: nop
PowerManager timeout: 180
ready >]

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  TLS v1.2 (was: cm1102 - Custom http invoke error)
Posted by: johan - 11-06-2016, 12:13 AM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (4)

I received my cm1102 today. Connecting & configuring the device went perfect. However, it refuses to send the custom http requests. I enabled the debug mode but still I don't get any details about why the request failed. If I copy & paste the URL in the browser it works fine. The log data:

CustomHTTPDest::invoke = https://miehat-functions.azurewebsites.n...res=999.13
Error Code: -1 = connection refused

Any ideas what might go wrong here? SSL / certificate issues?

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Exclamation Device stops sending data after a while
Posted by: admin - 10-23-2016, 08:46 PM - Forum: vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..) - Replies (25)

A couple of you reported an issue that the device stops sending data after a while.
Since the CDM7160 ones and the Dust sensors, connect to the WiFi each 30-120 sec, i suspect that at some point of time the module stops being able to connect to the router. To help me clean this up I would need your help to identify if this is the root cause.
I've implemented a simple eventing mechanism in the firmware that allows to schedule a list of commands to be executed on certain times. It can be used in the following ways

First - Update to the latest version (with command "otah")
And then

Option 1 - disable the going of the device into sleep mode and then connecting to wifi again

prop_jset "event.setupEnd"##nop 0##

Have in mind that this will increase the heat in the device so Temperature and Humidity will be higher by 5-6 degrees

Option 2 - Change LED color when the device connects to Wifi or searches
If my theory is right, at some point of time, the LED will not become blue any more. If this happens - i will try to make some changes in the FW to somehow retry harder to connect to Wifi
prop_jset "event.wifiSearching"##ledcolor orange##
prop_jset "event.wifiConnected"##ledcolor cyan##

If the LED is too dim to be seen, you can use
prop_jset "event.wifiSearching"##ledbrg 90##ledcolor orange##
prop_jset "event.wifiConnected"##ledbrg 90##ledcolor cyan##
you can play with the value of ledbrg command 100 is off, by default it is 97
(there is also a Photoresistor on the board that should match the light of the LED according to the ambient light, but i haven't yet integrated it)

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