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Full Version: co2 monitor v3 /cdm7160 stops sending information/ jamming 433mhz rf devices
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i bought the vthings - co2 monitor v3 with cdm7160, temp/hum, dust sensor and rf433mhz few weeks ago.

the device stops sending information by http to pimatic device. i tried it several times. sometimes the vair-monitor stops sending after 5 minutes. the next time, it runs about some hours or a day or so and then suddenly stops.
when the device stops sending information it is not possible to connect to the device by using config.vair-monitor.com anymore.
when looking up debugging output last line just shows [DISCONNECTED].
another interesting point is: when the monitor stops sending information the rf-433 environment in my appartment is jammed. i have a couple of 433mhz power-switches which seem to be jammed by the rf-433 antenna in the monitor.
when i disconnect the monitor from power, my 433mhz power-switches return to normal operation immediately.

i found a thread which seems to be a similar problem:


i opened the small compartment with the rf-component inside. all seems to be nice. no loose / unmounted pins.
yeah, this looks quite similar to the other problem i had
but please check this post and the photo there

open the big compartment and check if this didn't happen also in your case
ok, i opened both compartments. and examined all connections and tried to fix them. some of the connections seemed to be a little loose.

then i re-assembled everything.

the device transmitted c02 and dust data for about 4 hours. then no more data were received. no sound from fan, the led = no color. but: no jamming of 433mhz devices!

i pressed the button on the device and the led went blue. but still no sound. a couple of minutes later, no more led. and no information transmitted at all...

so i disconnected the device from power and reconnected it.

the device rebooted and made some noise from the fan, led went purple..
and now the device is transmitting (http to ip) again for 10 minutes..

i am not able to connect to the device via config.vair-monitor.com
The fan is on each 10 minutes for 30 seconds
and the led is purple when the device boots up and then after 5 minutes it turns off. then each 2 minutes the device will wake up from sleep send data and go to sleep again. This is why you can only connect to it in the first 5 minutes via WiFi
Also it looks like on some networks Chrome cannot autodetect the subnet, so you have to enter it manually, or enter the whole ip (in case the field with the ip is empty)

another thing is that for some reason the router may have stopped accepting connections from the device
to check this - enable DEBUG mode from the Settings menu
then the device will start to blink with different colors on each operation like described here

also make sure that you have updated to the latest firmware (the config tool should tell you on the top left, which is your version)
(02-22-2017, 02:13 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]The fan is on each 10 minutes for 30 seconds
and the led is purple when the device boots up and then after 5 minutes it turns off. then each 2 minutes the device will wake up from sleep send data and go to sleep again. This is why you can only connect to it in the first 5 minutes via WiFi
Also it looks like on some networks Chrome cannot autodetect the subnet, so you have to enter it manually, or enter the whole ip (in case the field with the ip is empty)

another thing is that for some reason the router may have stopped accepting connections from the device
to check this - enable DEBUG mode from the Settings menu
then the device will start to blink with different colors on each operation like described here

also make sure that you have updated to the latest firmware (the config tool should tell you on the top left, which is your version)

i upgraded firmware.
after reboot, i put it into debug mode.
it is sending now / my raspberry receives data and leds are flashing.

will update later.
(02-22-2017, 04:57 PM)strichter76 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2017, 02:13 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]The fan is on each 10 minutes for 30 seconds
and the led is purple when the device boots up and then after 5 minutes it turns off. then each 2 minutes the device will wake up from sleep send data and go to sleep again. This is why you can only connect to it in the first 5 minutes via WiFi
Also it looks like on some networks Chrome cannot autodetect the subnet, so you have to enter it manually, or enter the whole ip (in case the field with the ip is empty)

another thing is that for some reason the router may have stopped accepting connections from the device
to check this - enable DEBUG mode from the Settings menu
then the device will start to blink with different colors on each operation like described here

also make sure that you have updated to the latest firmware (the config tool should tell you on the top left, which is your version)

i upgraded firmware.
after reboot, i put it into debug mode.
it is sending now / my raspberry receives data and leds are flashing.

will update later.

ok, the device ran until 4pm afternoon.

the top-led is now constantly purple. no flashing. just purple all the time.

and my 433mhz devices are being jammed.

i pressed the top botton once but nothing happened. 

i re-connected the vair-monitor via usb and i was able to switch on/ off my 433mhz devices again.

and vair-monitor is working again, transmitting data.
(02-23-2017, 09:25 PM)strichter76 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2017, 04:57 PM)strichter76 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2017, 02:13 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]The fan is on each 10 minutes for 30 seconds
and the led is purple when the device boots up and then after 5 minutes it turns off. then each 2 minutes the device will wake up from sleep send data and go to sleep again. This is why you can only connect to it in the first 5 minutes via WiFi
Also it looks like on some networks Chrome cannot autodetect the subnet, so you have to enter it manually, or enter the whole ip (in case the field with the ip is empty)

another thing is that for some reason the router may have stopped accepting connections from the device
to check this - enable DEBUG mode from the Settings menu
then the device will start to blink with different colors on each operation like described here

also make sure that you have updated to the latest firmware (the config tool should tell you on the top left, which is your version)

i upgraded firmware.
after reboot, i put it into debug mode.
it is sending now / my raspberry receives data and leds are flashing.

will update later.

ok, the device ran until 4pm afternoon.

the top-led is now constantly purple. no flashing. just purple all the time.

and my 433mhz devices are being jammed.

i pressed the top botton once but nothing happened. 

i re-connected the vair-monitor via usb and i was able to switch on/ off my 433mhz devices again.

and vair-monitor is working again, transmitting data.

ok, vair-monitor transmitted data until 20 min. then no more data. i pressed the button once and led flahed green for 1 sec, then went blue. still blue since a couple of minutes but no data are being transmitted.

interesting thing is, during the night, for about a couple of hours between 2:30 and 7:30, no data were received by pimatic but somehow sending resumed in the morning. see attached picture.[attachment=21]
Very weird
Is the device sending via wifi or only 433?
If you are use wifi, can you try to disable RF and check if it will still misbehave
I cannot find a relation between them.. But just in case
I will get new boards next week and can send you a replacement
(02-24-2017, 10:41 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Very weird
Is the device sending via wifi or only 433?
If you are use wifi, can you try to disable RF and check if it will still misbehave
I cannot find a relation between them.. But just in case
I will get new boards next week  and can send you a replacement

the device ist sending only via wifi.

when you say "disable RF" , do you mean disconnect the wires to the rf-device in the small compartment? (hardware) or just disabling in the config?

I noticed that the access point vAirMonitor_19B2B3 appears every 10 secs or so in my list of available wifis. when i try to connect to that, the connection drops. i am not able to establish a connection to that wifi ap long enough to run through the entire config procedure. 
device is still sending information to my raspberry, so it seems that it is toggling between AP vAirMonitor and my local Wifi. 
the other strange thing is that although it is possible to connect via config.vair-monitor.com to the device. but i dont see the saved attributes.
i was able to reproduce another problem.

whenever i try to access the admin-interface via config.vair-monitor.com it instantly looses the connection.
(ping -t xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  -> no reply)

the vair-monitor device seems to change from my configured wlan to the default AP vAirMonitor_19B2B3  and does not come back until i reset it.

i did not have this issue with last firmware i think. i could manage the settings via config.vair-monitor.com (i enabled debug mode and so on)
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