vAir Monitor (CO2, Dust, Tempereature, etc..)
- [SOLVED] v.Air - CO2 Monitor not recognised (CM1106) (10 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Brightness/Light Sensor (3 Replies)
- [SOLVED] No connection through the config tool (6 Replies)
- External power plug not working (6 Replies)
- Integration with (4 Replies)
- [SOLVED] No values are send to any of my services. (20 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Old Firmware (1 Reply)
- [SOLVED] Vair-monitor temp+hum not showing up in Domoticz (2 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Device configuration tool not showing output (3 Replies)
- DUST PM2.5 PM10 good value for health (5 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Option to activate/deactivate the PM2005 particle sensor (25 Replies)
- Device stops sending data after a while (25 Replies)
- Black Friday and Christmas Sales (1 Reply)
- [SOLVED] CDM7160 - PPM Value Oscillation (12 Replies)
- crc error on custom http request (6 Replies)
- Help with custom HTTP (1 Reply)
- Missing data from sensors (8 Replies)
- [Solved] MQTT fails since yesterday (5 Replies)
- V.Air Monitor Not Detected - (3 Replies)
- CDM7160 - Recovery procedure (4 Replies)